Scripting commands for modifying local variables, passing and receiving data and scripts between objects, and creating or running global scripts any object can access
- firstRun
- self
- setUID
- getUID
- setDictString
- getDictString
- clearDictStrings
- setDictNumber
- getDictNumber
- clearDictNumbers
- setDictBool
- getDictBool
- clearDictBools
- listCollisions
- clearColliders
- listTriggers
- clearTriggers
- replaceLua
- runLua
- checkLuaVar
- runLuaFunction
- runInterval
- stopInterval
- haveComponent
- sendGlobalMessage
- addGlobalScript
- runGlobalScript
- deleteGlobalScript
- addToGlobalGroup
- removeFromGlobalGroup
- getGlobalGroups
- runLuaOnGlobalGroup
- destroyGlobalGroup