
Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Add two Vector3 values Parameters: x A float value y A float value z A float value x2 A float value y2 A float value z2 A float value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.addVector3(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Add two Vector2 values Parameters: x A float value y A float value x2 A float value y2 A float value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.addVector2(x, y, x2, y2)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Decide the fastest way to reach an angle, 0 for angles matching, 1 for clockwise, -1 for counter clockwise Parameters: currentAngle A float value targetAngle A float value returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.dirToAngle(currentAngle, targetAngle)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Stop tracking at index Parameters: index An integer value Example: 1obj.deleteStored(index)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Send a message to all objects Parameters: data A string value Example: 1obj.sendGlobalMessage(data)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Is this the first time the script has run? Useful for setting up variables returns a Boolean (true or false) value Example: 123if obj.firstRun() then       lives = 3 end


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Prevent the rigidbody from rotating on X, Y, or Z axis? Parameters: freezeX A boolean value freezeY A boolean value freezeZ A boolean value Example: 1obj.rotationConstraints(freezeX, freezeY, freezeZ)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Add a rotation torque in X,Y,Z either in world direction or relative to the rigidbody itself Parameters: torque A string value relative Optional A boolean value Example: 1obj.addTorque(torque, relative)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Add a force in X,Y,Z either in world direction or relative to the rigidbody itself Parameters: force A string value relative Optional A boolean value Example: 1obj.addForce(force, relative)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the rotation drag of rigidbody returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.getAngularDrag()