
Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Try to store an object into script memory and return the index of it Parameters: tag A string value compareUID Optional An integer value returns an Integer (whole number) value Example: 1obj.tryStore(tag, compareUID)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Store ourselves, optional to run only if we match UID, and then return our index number in the stack of objects stored Parameters: compareUID Optional An integer value returns an Integer (whole number) value Example: 1obj.storeSelf(compareUID)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Return number of objects we have stored returns an Integer (whole number) value Example: 1obj.count()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the objects we have stored returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.list()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Remove a script from the global scripts list Parameters: name A string value Example: 1obj.deleteGlobalScript(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Run a script from the global scripts list Parameters: name A string value Example: 1obj.runGlobalScript(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Add a global script other objects can call on themselves, with an option to overwrite the script Parameters: name A string value script A string value overwrite Optional A boolean value Example: 1obj.addGlobalScript(name, script, overwrite)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Check if we have a type of component using shortcut names instead Parameters: component A string value, for example “rigidbody” returns a Boolean (true or false) value Example: 1obj.haveComponent(component)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Stop running the full LUA script every interval. Parameters: index An integer value Example: 1obj.stopInterval(index)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Make a script run at intervals or not. This is different than onFrameTick as it will re-evaluate the whole script each time it runs. This generates a lot of overhead memory usage if misused, but is available if need be. Parameters: index An integer value … Read more runInterval