Assets and Resources

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Assets and Resources

Texture Formats

Platform Compatibility

Format PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest
.bmp X X
.png X X X
.jpg X X X

Video Formats

Platform Compatibility

Format PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest
.avi X
.wmv X
.ogv X X
.mp4 X X X
.webm X X X

Audio Formats

Platform Compatibility

Format PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest
.mp3 X
.ogg X X X
.wav X X X

Asset Bundles are technically also external assets that can be imported.
These are a unique part of the Unity engine for advanced expansion features including new C# scripts.
They must be compiled for the platform they intend to run on (for example: PC/Mac bundles are different than Android/Quest bundles).
For more information on Asset Bundles visit the Unity engine documentation.

Helpful websites for finding free art assets to use in your Artspark projects are included below:


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