
Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Set the pitch of the audio Parameters: value A float value Example: 1obj.setAudioPitch(value)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Copy an accessory from ourselves to another object, if they already have it copy the values Parameters: index An integer value name A string value Example: 1obj.accessoryCopyTo(index, name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Copy an accessory from another object to ourselves, if it exists copy their values to ours Parameters: index An integer value name A string value Example: 1obj.accessoryCopyFrom(index, name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Unparent this accessory from any other accessory Parameters: name A string value Example: 1obj.accessoryUnparent(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get parent accessory of target Parameters: name A string value Example: 1obj.getAccessoryParent(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Parent an accessory to another accessory for basic linking/chain effects Parameters: name A string value parent A string value Example: 1obj.accessoryParentTo(name, parent)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Make the object into a Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider, which is entirely moved by code but can cause onTriggerEnter and onTriggerExit events with every other collider type. Parameters: tag (optional) An optional tag to force the collider to use Example: 1obj.makeSimpleDetector()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the real rotation in-world of an accessory in X,Y,Z Parameters: name A string value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.accessoryRealEuler(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the real position in-world of an accessory in X,Y,Z Parameters: name A string value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.accessoryRealPos(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X – X Get the VR teleport button returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.getVRTeleButton()