
Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the rotation Euler X of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.getEulerX(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the rotation Euler X,Y,Z of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.getEuler(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the Z of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.getZ(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the Y of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.getY(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the X of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a Float (decimal number) value Example: 1obj.getX(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the X,Y,Z of this object local or global Parameters: index An integer value isLocal Optional A boolean value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.getPos(index, isLocal)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Get the data from stored object: pos, rot, localPos, localRot, localScale (all Vec3 strs) Parameters: index An integer value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.getStored(index)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Clear all stacks Example: 1obj.clearAllStates()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Clear an objects stack Parameters: index Optional An integer value Example: 1obj.clearStates(index)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Restore previous state of object Parameters: index Optional An integer value Example: 1obj.popState(index)