
Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Store the most recent collision if we have one, eg: after onCollisionEnter returns an Integer (whole number) value Example: 1obj.storeCollision()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Load the list of file names in a folder (default is main level folder) separated by commas with an optional listing by search pattern (eg: *.png) Parameters: folder Optional A string value type Optional A string value returns a String (text) value Example: 1obj.listFiles(folder, type)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Scale all objects in a group by X,Y,Z relative to their current scale Parameters: groupName A string value scaleAmount A string value Example: 1obj.scaleGlobalGroup(groupName, scaleAmount)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Rotate all objects in a group by X,Y,Z relative to their current rotation Parameters: groupName A string value rotateAmount A string value Example: 1obj.rotateGlobalGroup(groupName, rotateAmount)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Move all objects in a group by X,Y,Z relative to their current position Parameters: groupName A string value moveAmount A string value Example: 1obj.moveGlobalGroup(groupName, moveAmount)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X – Set whether gamepad triggers can fire onClick events Parameters: _tf A boolean value Example: 1obj.setGamepadTriggerClicks(_tf)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X – Get whether gamepad triggers can fire onClick events returns a Boolean (true or false) value Example: 1obj.gamepadTriggerClicks()


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Destroy all objects in a group Parameters: name A string value Example: 1obj.destroyGlobalGroup(name)


Platform Compatibility PC Mac OSX Oculus Quest X X X Run a LUA line of code on all objects in a group Parameters: name A string value command A string value Example: 1obj.runLuaOnGlobalGroup(name, command)